Once I Was… and Now I Am…


Do you remember when you were 13 what you aspired to be when you became an adult? Then between the ages of 16 and 18, we had another vision of our future. I’m thinking  something along the line of “taking over the world.” Serious stuff like that. (smirk) We knew it all! No one could tell us anything. The possibilities were endless. The world was wide open!  Move over because we are here!!! Woo hoo!!

Somewhere between then and our fifties a whole lot of reality took over. We worked jobs we hated because we had families and responsibilities. Single parenthood was hard work but no longer frowned upon. Then, WHAM! in comes the era of the entrepreneur. I am not sure of what percent there is of triumphant individuals. Do you?  I surely  want to hear the numbers are high. Hard work, countless 16 hour days plus. “Do what you love, love what you do.” Is where it is at… I’m thinking “excellent!” How is that going? I am enthralled with success stories. Have one? Please, comment about it. Let us celebrate you together!

So, what is it you dream? Retirement?  Vacation?  Wealth? Peace of mind? Notoriety? Are you still a believer that the world is your oyster? Nasty little buggers, oysters. The thought of slurping oysters on the half shell makes me wear the face of an infant who just got handed his/her first dill pickle!! YEHK! However, give me a  basket of steamers any day. Dipped in melted butter. Super yum! Move over Kentucky fried, steamers and boiled lobster are MY IDEA of “finger licking good!” Oops, sorry, had a Barnacle Billy’s in Perkins cove, Ogunquit, Maine moment. Awesome memory of a yearly tradition from my childhood and still my favorite mini vacation spot.

Through the years people change. Like the saying goes “People change and they  forget to tell you.” It seems to be used in the negative sense. I got divorced because… You know the scenario. Not part of the dream, was it? Yes, people change. I ask you, did they really forget to tell you? Or, did they go thru their metamorphosis right in plain sight and you subconsciously chose not to see it?  Here is an example:

I have a friend. YES, REALLY, I do! He has made some major tweaks and is right in the middle of recreating himself. A life long alcoholic, he chose to stop drinking a few months ago. He has lived with anxiety, panic and depression for a large part of his life. Instead of self medicating he has turned to professional help. He replaced hiding his challenges behind the mask of 150 proof, deflective humor and wit to seek that help. So it was not a tweak but a giant leap! It took him three different hospital visits before someone took him seriously. I find that incredibly sad. He did not give up!! What captures my interest, is those closest to him have yet to acknowledge this new life path he is striving to travel. He reads my blog and I am throwing out a heart felt cheer with pom poms waving: “Big G, little o” Go! Go! Go!

Have you noticed in the last couple of years that we love! love! love! positive quotes. Their popularity is amazing. I see people are sucking them in, posting, tweeting, sharing like never before. They inspire and give us much deserved hope! Our rose colored glasses are not quite so rosy anymore. Been there, done that, got knocked down, stood back up and continued forward to post a quote that makes me feel better about the whole ordeal. Love the concept!! And miraculously it is working!

We are surrounded and taking part with people paying it forward… Having a bad day?  Let me help you by sharing this serene image topped off with a flowing font saying. Read it, savor it, soak it in, pin it to your board. Put it as a FB status! The masses  of all ages are caught up in this movement, this helping each other mind set, is miraculously astounding!  Who would have thought, back when I was going to rule the world, that one day, I could literally inspire people to be happier from wherever I am?

Yes indeed, once I was going to and now I am.




















37 thoughts on “Once I Was… and Now I Am…

    1. Thank you for your input! It means a lot that you understand my intent. The article isn’t as tight and polished as I would like. I am attempting to tap into new territory and hope in time that it will help me be a better writer.
      I hope you have a wonderful day!

      Kind Regards and sunshine – K


  1. Eloquently worded. I enjoyed the read and I agree that Inspirational Quotes are the new “Thing” now, although I don’t partake in the sharing of them. I am far too depressed and bitter now to feel inspired by much. I do put on a great act though and I do have my moments, usually when I’m writing in my own blog.

    You have gained a new follower though 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Tim,

      I am glad you stopped by. We all go through times when we are not at our best and often bitter. As for the positive quotes some of them truly touch me and often get me through the day!! You are not the only one that has bad days!! I am glad you find solace in your blog! It is a wonderful place to let loose and share. I hope things get better for you in the future and if you ever want to chat privately my email is theblackwallblog@gmail.com. Love the “hillybilly” name! Thinking of you- K

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I really truly love this writing… It was like it was pouring out of my soul as well… and I must say you have a quirky sense of humor as I do…we get along great…lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fabulous! Great mind and quirky humor= my kind of person. Seriously my day has been made! 🐄🐮🐄🐮🐄🐮

      Beautiful day here, hope you’re having one as well!

      Kind regards and grinning with spinach in my tooth – K


    2. Well in NH it’s breezy and just over 70 with blue sky and gigantic white fluffy clouds scattered across the horizon. My daughter and youngest granddaughter are visiting VA from NC this week. So close yet so far! Odd, I feel her in my heart that she’s a little nearer and it somehow makes me feel better! 😆. K


    3. oh my! I have the same kind of connection with my oldest daughter…except she did sneak in from Iraq one time and surprised me at work….lol


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