A Few Items From My Toolbox

Compliments of L.G.B.



“The sun always shines above the clouds.” – Paul F. Davis


My Recipe 

I start with a bag of optimism,

Add a growing gratitude list 

Toss in a willingness to try 

And serve it with a positive attitude.



People continue to ask: 

“What specifically is in your toolbox?”


Here is a partial list of the contents:

*1 GIANT barrel of Hope.

*Lots of  trial and error.

*A strong will to keep moving forward.

*1/2 box of dual purpose tissues. (Perfect for sad or joyful tears.)

*2 bottles of Elmer’s glue, leftover from when I had to put my pieces back together.

*Last hugs from people I have loved and lost or had to leave behind. They are pieces of my foundation.

*New hugs for people I have yet to meet.

*An old worn out pair of hiking boots that remind me of the mountains I have climbed and the deserts I have crossed. They are a reminder of the obstacles I have overcome.

*One of many favorite books- “The Language of Letting Go, written by Melody Beattie with numerous dog-eared pages.

*The Rainbow Bridge Poem. Link to Rainbow Bridge poem

*Bing AND Google search bar(s) for researching motivational quotes as needed.

*Compassion, forgiveness and patience for myself and others.

*A “note to self” to remind me: IT’S OK TO ASK FOR HELP.

*Purple crayons borrowed from Harold. Link to Harold and the Purple Crayon overview.


Kind Regards and Sunshine – K


Shadow selfie Phx AZ - I was there
A Shadow Selfie of Me in AZ!



























Daily post- Clouds

15 thoughts on “A Few Items From My Toolbox

    1. As I read your comment, I had to grab one of those dual purpose Kleenex!!


      You can borrow my toolbox anytime! Thanks to you I have discovered a large number of new items we should add to it!

      Kind Regards and feeling thankful – K

      Liked by 1 person

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