NC thoughts 7.10.19

I am so blessed to work as an Administrative Assistant for a local church. They aren’t just a church. They hold a yearly literacy program for Primary students! They also have summer Vacation Bible school and a pre-school throughout the school year.

Coming from the corporate world, I am awestruck by the positive atmosphere that these young children help create.

I don’t feel my new job is a pain, I embrace it’s refreshing atmosphere with open arms.

I am simply amazed at the difference. I hope that more people can/could experience positivity in their jobs.

Here’s to more individuals having the freedom to be happy at their “day” jobs.

Kind Regards

and #winning -K

Happy Spring!!

Swooping in to say

Happy First day of Spring!

Took my first baking soda bath today! Nice relaxing, detoxing, skin softening, mind slowing-20 minutes, to start my day.

Ahhhh! 😁🌷🌷

How did you start the

First day of Spring?

Looking forward to your comments!




Kind Regards – K

Photography copyright and compliments of K of theBlackWallBlog.

Text 2 pic app.

Nightmare within a Nightmare 3.2019


blue skies intermittent with clouds march 2019


A freshly baked tingling, numb turnover

Filled with pudding-like loneliness

Drizzled with sadness

Placed in the center of the breakfast plate,

and served with a side of cold truth coffee.


I realize my physician is trying to help. If it hadn’t been for the fact my psychiatrist at home had suggested the drug, I would not have tried it.

Saturday, I drove the 12 miles to Walmart. (Yahoo me), and picked up my scripts. Included was the new one, $200 dollar for the generic version of Abilify.

Six hours from taking 1/4 of a pill, 5 mgs, I became very angry at the dogs as we were out in the field. A little voice in my head, thought, this is odd. Why am I mad at the dogs? Once we got into the house, the dogs had their treats and I settled to watch a movie, a dreadful feeling of loss, hopelessness and sadness hit my gut. I started to sob. I reached for tissue to capture the giant tears that rolled down my face.

Taking a few deep breaths, I thought, what the hell?

I grabbed a glass of water, inhaled and exhaled some deep cleansing breaths, then napped off and on for the next 12 hours. I was sooo tired. That was Saturday.

Sunday, I awoke, and took another 5 mgs. it wasnt long and I grew very sleepy, I hadn’t been up very long. Barely, long enough to shower and have some breakfast, take the dogs out and back to sleep I went. I awoke in a fog. Took the dogs out, felt the anger like rage pop up again. WTH? Something was wrong. Why was I so enraged? The dogs and I worked our way to the house, feeling exhausted I plunked my butt on the couch and researched, withdrawal symptoms and then Abilify.

Dang! it was the Abilify! A known side effect that was not put as a warning on any literature. Some of the stories I read and the study findings I discovered gave me goosebumps. Then, the sobbing started…


Another bump in the road. I will get through this one too. No more Abilify. As a matter of fact, no more “so called” helpful drug(s) until I am through the detoxing. I want to try the natural way. Good food and exercise. I have 2 mg of lorazepam to go.

Wish me luck.


Kind Regards and determined to win – K



ZEN TO ZANY CAPTURES IT AGAIN. Please visit her site on


Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music… (Three Dog Night)


Good morning,

Yesterday morning, when I took the dogs out for their morning walk… the sky, almost daylight bright from the light beaming from the moon and stars, looked as if someone had tossed hand fulls of cotton balls all about. It was an awesome sight! This morning, it’s dark and drizzling.

BUT there is “nothing” that can darken this day!

TODAY, I will be attending my youngest grand daughter’s birthday party. It will be the first time I will be able to appear in person, not via FACETIME!

Happy Dance!!  WOOT WOOT!!


Tomorrow, I will start the med change, for today I will revel in what I have been hoping to do for FIVE years!





Kind Regards and wishing you the best day- K