ZEN TO ZANY CAPTURES IT AGAIN. Please visit her site on


Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music… (Three Dog Night)


Good morning,

Yesterday morning, when I took the dogs out for their morning walk… the sky, almost daylight bright from the light beaming from the moon and stars, looked as if someone had tossed hand fulls of cotton balls all about. It was an awesome sight! This morning, it’s dark and drizzling.

BUT there is “nothing” that can darken this day!

TODAY, I will be attending my youngest grand daughter’s birthday party. It will be the first time I will be able to appear in person, not via FACETIME!

Happy Dance!!  WOOT WOOT!!


Tomorrow, I will start the med change, for today I will revel in what I have been hoping to do for FIVE years!





Kind Regards and wishing you the best day- K


Healthy is GREAT! But…. A Challenge to My Health Conscious Friends 2.13.2019

no matter how slow you go 2.13.19 blog post saying


Live healthy!! Eat right!


This supplement helps with this and that and also gives a boost to, etc…

Take this med to help with your anxiety… GREAT! NOT!!

These days, so many individuals are suffering from high blood pressure! Almost every

healthy supplement states- will help lower your blood pressure.

Fantastic, RIGHT?


There are some of us who have a naturally low blood pressure.

Mine happens to be around 90/60!

If I lower it anymore, I’ll be on the floor!  ha!

My standard heart rate equals 57. Not too bad, eh?


Walking around in a dazed, weakened stupor is not only dangerous


Interestingly enough, as most of my friends are being told to watch their salt intake,

I have instructions to increase mine. Hey! What can I say? SORRY!

Much like my dad, I have always been a pepper lover!! If it’s not covered in black,

delectable, coarse speckles, it needs more!  😉


Yesterday, for Valentine’s day and my 57th (eek!) birthday, I had a scheduled primary care visit.

**He is literally taking me off my 12 year anti-anxiety regiment of  1.5 xanax in am, .5- 2 hours later, .5- 2 hours later and .5 at bedtime- cold turkey and switching me to 1mg of lorazepam twice per day, and upping my 25 mg Topiramate to twice per day. 

I checked with the local pharmacist. She is not impressed that he is having me quit xanax cold turkey, but said is should not be life threatening. GOOD NEWS!

Unfortunately, I will be experiencing withdrawals. OH SHUCKS!

I am researching, things to have on hand for healthy cleansing/nutritious smoothies, hydration and whatever else I can find.


Here is THE CHALLENGE for all my

HEALTH CONSCIOUS friends out there:

Find me some healthy lifestyle foods and smoothies,

that will “NOT DECREASE” my blood pressure, 


 Any HELPFUL TIPS you can give me, to get through this transition

will be way beyond appreciated. (I am literally scared sh*tless)


Anxiously, awaiting your comments!!


Kind Regards and Happy Friday- K









Singing the Creating a Table Of Contents in Word Doc blues

So I am sure you really do not want to hear about this.

But perhaps you can laugh with me. 🙂 (blushing)

I spent 4 hours playing around with “attempting to” create

my “automatic” Table of Contents in Word doc, for this silly book.


My fingers, behind and many other places are numb! OMG!

So much for the ol’ computer savvy brain working. HaHaHa!

Usually, I am pretty quick to catch on with this type of thing.

I read all the HOW TO’s and tried each one.!!!!!


So I hopped onto the internet, which is what I usually do. (duh!)

Obviously i DID NOT drink enough coffee! Or perhaps I  drank too much?

I watched a quick you tube video on how to “create a Table of Contents”

for DUMMIES! (ME!)

And of course within five minutes I had accomplished my task!



Can you hear the heavens singing? I sure can!!

So worthy of note for anyone trying to self publish and using a Word Doc.

The text instructions are terrible!

GO FOR the YOU Tube!!

Now I can have a good chuckle at myself and move onto bigger and better things.

The dogs are certainly ready for me to!

So off to see some sunlight we go!!

Just remember, “if at first you don’t succeed –YOU TUBE IT!”

Happy Monday to everyone!


Kind Regards and glad I bought that hair color – K


One step back

Fret! Fret! Fret!

Imagined the worst!




Couldn’t eat!

Couldn’t sleep!

Shoulders met my earlobes!


Felt Insecure!

Overly sensitive!

All because

I misread

The situation!


An old habit!

I thought I’d overcome.

I’m a banana head!


Chalk it up!

Let it go!

Laugh it off!

Look in the mirror!

Make a silly face!

Give myself the raspberry!


Often I seem to mirror

New England weather,


windows open

After work

I raked!

Some lawn had appeared!


It snowed!

Mother Nature dear

What ARE you up to?

Let it go!

Laugh it off!

Go look in the mirror,

Make a funny face!

Give yourself a raspberry!

Stop being a banana head!






Kind Regards and chuckling -K

Photography compliments and copyrighted by BGage and K at TheBlackWallBlog.


I Believe

I believe in Santa!

I believe that being kind,

Begets kindness.

I want to believe in true love.

I believe that laughter,

Sprinkles happiness all about.

I want to believe in soulmates.

I do believe if you truly believe

All your dreams will come true.

Grab your shovels, gloves and hat!

Because here in New England,

I believe that we are having

A very White Christmas this year!

Kind Regards and Merry Christmas from our little neck of the woods to yours- K

Photography copyrighted and compliments of BGage and K of TheBlackWallWallBlog.

Continue reading

HOORAY for GROUPS 7, 8 and 9!


Early morning, up with the roosters!

🛫      🛩.     🛬

I love to fly.

Times sure  have changed since the 80s, 90s or even 10 years ago.

C9EDF75B-623F-4F0B-A789-B19A3ED99F6C What is going on with some of  these airlines?

Yes, I understand budget cuts, and that economical changes needed to  be implemented “LEAN”,  multi-tasking personnel- etc etc.


Breaking into small  groups IS an excellent idea.

The fact they have found a way to utilize it to nickel and dime a person, abhors me.

(These days nickels and dimes are equivalent to  $25 – $100+).

If you want “the privilege” to board earlier than the rest, (NOT First class), you can pay $39 or more to get on the plane with the first, second, third or fourth group. This guarantees that you will not be part of  the lowly  groups 6, 7, 8 or 9!

Due to this  option, the latter groups,  board and trip, excuse themselves and finally sit amongst the people already settled in, (supposedly),  our  seat assignments are no different.

I bought MY ticket 2 1/2 months in advance, shouldn’t I get a bonus for planning ahead?(smile)

To check a bag it’s 25 dollars, that’s okay until you get to the gate and they make the announcement,  “It’s a full  flight” (lately, it always is), anyone who  wants to volunteer to check your luggage, please come to the podium, it well be complimentary” – aka FREE!

Really? (I hear the guy behind me growling, because he checked his bag in before he arrived at the  gate).

I see it every time I fly.

NEXT I contain my groan as the flight starts descending, after 2 hours of  playing my sardine role,

THE ANNOUNCEMENT  comes over the speaker, about signing  up for THE  credit card. “Earn free 60k miles, simply -PAY THE ANNUAL FEE-  to earn those first free miles, start accumulating new AND for special privileges  like – YOU GUESSED IT-  being one of the first to board!

My thoughts?   BITE ME!

Ha! ha!

Personally, I believe it should be people that need a little extra help first, any member of  the military,  then everyone should board based on their seat assignment,  starting from  the back and working  forwards.

OH wait, that makes sense….

BUT, HOW can you make those extra nickels on that??

Can someone tell me what happened  to “THE FRIENDLY” skies?

Going forward, wouldn’t it  be great if we all pulled together,

SAVED OUR NICKELS AND DIMES, and  boarded with Group 7, 8 and 9.

Before we know it, 7, 8 and 9, might become 1, 2 AND 3!!!

The best part of my trip?

C315FAE1-0873-4619-A83B-ED6E0140C2E6 Seeing the little munchkin, that’s looking up at me from my left.


Kind Regards and saving my nickels  – K

0A45A734-FC13-458E-A670-A0990FBF6F01 Photos compliments of K and

TheBlackWallBlog -copyright  2017
