ZEN TO ZANY CAPTURES IT AGAIN. Please visit her site on


Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music… (Three Dog Night)


Good morning,

Yesterday morning, when I took the dogs out for their morning walk… the sky, almost daylight bright from the light beaming from the moon and stars, looked as if someone had tossed hand fulls of cotton balls all about. It was an awesome sight! This morning, it’s dark and drizzling.

BUT there is “nothing” that can darken this day!

TODAY, I will be attending my youngest grand daughter’s birthday party. It will be the first time I will be able to appear in person, not via FACETIME!

Happy Dance!!  WOOT WOOT!!


Tomorrow, I will start the med change, for today I will revel in what I have been hoping to do for FIVE years!





Kind Regards and wishing you the best day- K


1.29.19 AHHH WIFI AND LIFE! (2 min read)

febuary girls t-shirt


Finally, I am back!

So much has happened, I will attempt to give you the Reader’s Digest version:

First of all I would like to say, I have missed every single one of you. Sounds crazy, but I love being a part of the blogging family!  Sending out warm wishes and K hugs all around!!  🙂

I am finally  moved into my new apartment! Thank you very much to my daughter, her new hubby and brothers! Happy dance going on here!!

7penske truck 1.27.2019

Back in the country again! Yes! Troutman, NC is a little bit country.

When I walk the dogs early in the morning, I can hear the cows mooing down the street!

Abby and Chief, feel quite at home! Lot’s of grass, space and a whole lot of new smells. What more could a beloved fur child ask for?

chief and abby exploring at their new house

These last few days have been  frustrating, eye-opening and a celebratory time.

Celebration: Moved and a whole bedroom of boxes to explore! Wifi is back! We feel extremely at home in our new place. One neighbor even brought me some of his specialty chicken as a welcome to the neighborhood! Too cool!

My grandaughter started a new Christian private school yesterday! A glorious opportunity for her to receive a wonderful education!

Eye opening:  I have a new primary physician! He was very intelligent and I loved the overall feel of the office. They called me “Miss K”.

I got my overdue eye exam done. New glasses on the way!

One downside, I have the beginning stages of cataracts! A bit of a scare for me.  Macular degeneration is hereditary, and when my grandmother, soon after retirement had one of hers removed, she lost her sight in that eye. With an inoperable cataract in the other eye eventually she became legally blind. Something, I have had a subconscious fear of for over twenty years.

Frustration: I have one daily medication that I take, that I am having a difficult time finding a doctor to prescribe. It is not controlled in North Carolina as it was up North. The frustrating aspect- I have to somehow prove I am not a drug addict! Guilty until you prove yourself innocent. To prove one’s innocence you have to get an appointment.  That is the challenge! No one will let me in the door so that I can do so. I will NOT give up, I cant! But definitely a PIA!!

#Winning: I AM HERE! 

I am getting settled!

My dreams are coming true.

blue skies 15.19

Blue skies babee!!

A click from my walk at the new place the other night!

red sky sunset with copyright from my second day here!!


“With confidence you have won even before you have started.” – Marcus Garvey

Since I have arrived at this part of my life journey, I have proven, once again, push on through your panic and you can live the life you deserve!!

Just close your eyes and DO IT!

Kind Regards and #winning – K





#Winning 1.17.2019

New in town and still learning my way around as I Prep for a very special

YES!! My daughter is getting married this Sunday!


I know that it is in my best interest to assure the “Bride to be” is pleased, with the “Mother of the bride’s outfit”!!


Yesterday, I tried on a variety of outfits, took photos and sent them to my daughter.


Fifteen plus clicks and at least 8 outfits later, we had it narrowed down to black dress slacks, knee length, Olive green sweater, that I can wear with my black ankle boots or a lovely, calf length black dress.

YES! Black, NO LONGER TABOO, can be a very classy look at weddings.   I tried pairing mine with a variety of colored lightweight, waist length, long sleeved, cardigans and colorful scarves.

This event is casual, so I need to be careful not to overdress!

I am no Fashionista, but love that by simply changing your scarf, one can change the overall look and feel of an outfit.


This one, I captioned: “Stephen Tyler” wants his scarf back. 😊

stephen tylers scarf hahaa116.2018


In the middle of the clicks I sent this one to daughter, how could I resist? tee hee!



One hurdle to go!

Now, to find a place to get my hair done.

Remember, I am the “new kid” in town, so I asked some of the cashiers at the local Food Lion, grocery store in Statesville.  SUPER, excited for the wedding, they were eager to help.  Off I went with groceries in hand and a couple of salon options. Fingers crossed I pick the right one!


Stay tuned for pics!


happiess and love quote our choice for blog 1.17.2019


Another 2 weeks and I should have wifi again… Missing all of you!!


Kind Regards and #winning – K



Photography compliments and copyrighted by K of theblackwallblog.

Birthday boy!

Wishing this handsome fella

Happy early 13th Birthday!

Yes! That’s my Chief!

See the top of the five pointed white star on his chest?

Fitting since his birthday is Christmas- December 25th!

I can recall the day my son brought him home!

“Happy Birthday, mom!”, He said. Then added jokingly, “you can have the back half and I’ll take the front”!

Chief, the puppy, looked like a little black bear cub!

These days he’s more like a bull in a china shop! Add BIG LOVE BUG and that’s the Chiefster!!

He’s a Husky/ Shepard mix!

One year, early spring, side of the roads were still sandy! Chief and I went for a walk down the giant hill in front of our home in NH.

Well, he caught a glimpse of his barking buddy down the hill and OFF he scrambled. Me? I couldn’t get my footing! I knew it was face first or butt first!

Split second choice! I relaxed like a skier going over glare ice and landed on my backend!

He proceeded to pull me the rest of the way down the tar roadway and onto the neighbor’s grassy yard! ( about 75 feet)

Who knew grass could feel so dang good?!?!??

My head cleared and I commanded “SIT”!

He did!

Thank the heavens I was wearing blue jeans! Nothing hurt but a bit of pride.

I got up, told him let’s go home. We headed back up the hill for home! ☺️


Kind Regards and wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday – K


According to Google- A husky can pull up to 10 x their weight!”

Boundaries and no answers. 12.16.18

Dealing with changes is challenging no matter what your age.

At 56 after waiting 8 very long years for my son, a vet and I, to find a middle ground, I decided to make that move from NH to NC.

Sadly/gladly, thanks to my daughter, the day we packed the truck for the move, I saw my son for the first time in two years.

He stated, you’ve never came to visit me. Interesting statement considering I had been told his home was off limits.

Trying for a mom hug, the response? “You start any shit and I’ll get in my truck and leave.”

Painful? Hell yes!

Am I still sad? Definitely!

Can I continue to keep my life on hold? No!

He’s angry about life.

I’ve researched, tried at least 20 plus ways to approach him.

It doesn’t work!

I’ve been in NC, barely a week and now I’m getting angry texts. Some random subjects that make zero sense, others make sense but, why now?

He just threatened me with not being in my life if I don’t give a particular item of mine, that I had planned on giving him.

Uhm, hello?

He would have had it the day I moved. Unfortunately in texting with him a few days earlier he informed me he wasn’t going to be there, so I packed it.

Three guesses which box? Honestly, I don’t know.

My dad was a correctional officer in the 1940-50’s. I have his badge. My son followed a similar route, not the same state. Yes, it would be awesome for him to have it.

But he’s accusing me of hiding it from him. Sigh.

So after numerous ugly texts that started last night. Then continued into today.

I blocked him.

Then got physically ill.


He text me a different way.

“You blocked me?”

I didn’t answer.

I’m out of answers.

My son always says-


He’s Right!



“It’s okay to be scared, but you have to get out there, open up, love, make mistakes, learn, be stronger, and start all over again. -Unknown

Kind Regards and

Moving forward- K


Photography compliments of K of TheBlackWallBlog 12.18