Missing my friends and positive in the midst of this terrible virus!




It’s been awhile.  A little positive talk can go along ways. Positive self talk, encouragement shared with your  family and friends. All great stuff!


For those of you that helped me with my struggle just over a year ago, with depleting my system of Xanax. I wanted to let you know that I will be ONE YEAR XANAX FREE on April 1, 2020. And NO this is not an April Fool’s joke. It is the real deal.!!

I hope all of your are remaining safe, washing your hands in for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis along with staying away from the negativity and panic that can ruin your day.


I am looking forward to chatting  more soon.



Kind Regards and sunshine,






Let’s face it Crohn’s Disease sucks!

When I lived through 2 back to back bouts of C-Dif, a number of years ago, I was down to 110#s and desperate!

Starting myself on a Crohn’s disease diet saved my life! Since then cayenne pepper has been my best buddy!

Just produced a new tangy ginger tang kombucha! For the 2nd fermentation I not only added the fresh ginger, I threw in about a 1/4 tsp of Cayenne!

The result? A tang that intertwined itself with the crisp refreshing fizz! Perfect on ice!!

Kal’s Happy Homemade Wunderpilz! Available private sale only on Troutman and Statesville NC!


Kind Regards and to our health-K

Kombucha experiment 9.8.19

Its a beautiful day to make your stomach happy!!

Trying organic Yerba Mate in with my own blend for the first time.

Will it work?

Will it taste good?

Won’t know for 8 days!!

Fingers crossed!

Kal’s Happy Homemade Wunderpilz aka(Kalbucha), now being home delivered in Statesville and Troutman, NC. T-shirts coming soon!!

Kind Regards and kombucha on folks- K