Challenge-JIRogers Six-word-story – Cringe

JIRogers is getting ready to publish another book!

(He even re-tweeted mine!)

DO YOU, want to become more adept at writing concise sentences?

THIS challenge represents the “perfect” practice!

πŸ“š πŸ“– πŸ“š πŸ“– πŸ“š πŸ“– πŸ“š πŸ“– πŸ“š

πŸ“™ YOU have “GOT” to be kidding!

πŸ“™ Eight Supervisor panel, job interview today!

πŸ“™ Making coffee, four hours before alarm!

πŸ“™ Lady sends money to online boyfriend!

πŸ“™ Barefoot, I found old dog’s accident. 🀬

Your turn, give it a try!

I’m looking forward to your comments! πŸ“š

Kind Regards and

#winning -K


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