Let Your Light Shine Thru

Behind the Eclipse, the sun is shining… K

Copyrighted and compliments of L.G. B. The Sun

5 Quotes to help you shine:

“In order for the light to shine so brightly,

the darkness must be present.” ~ Francis Bacon


“Be yourself. Above all, let who you are,

what you are, what you believe shine

through every sentence you write,

every piece you finish.” ~ John Jakes


“Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others.

Discover your gifts and let them shine!

Softball is amazing that way as a sport.

Everyone on the field has a slightly different 

ability that makes them perfect for their position.

~Jennie Finch


“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers,

but for the wide world’s joy.” ~Henry Ward Beecher


“Beset by a difficult problem?

Now is your chance to shine.

Pick yourself up, get to work and

get triumphantly through it.”  ~Ralph Marston



5 Songs to sing:

Collective Soul – Shine youtube video. sing along!

Jordan Smith – Stand In The Light (Lyric Video)

jennifer lopez – feel the light lyrics (full song)

Demi Lovato – Neon Lights (Official Lyric Video)

Matchbox Twenty – Bright Lights (Video)



Eclipse now covers.

Behind, the sunshine glows bright.

Soon you’ll shine again.




Kind Regards – K




Daily postEclipse

52 Weeks of Thankfulness #2

Zen to Zany- look for her On Facebook and Etsy.com


I come from a long line of “fretters”, aka nail biters and  worry warts. lol

I am thankful for the experiences in my life that

lead me to opportunities which taught me  the meaning of-


The practice of various things/exercises that help to maintain balance,

understand mindfulness and help one continue to strive to:


Blessed, as I continue to grow and find other outlets for every day stresses.  

I am no expert! The goal is to keep working on it and

each day feel more confident that

I am moving in the right direction:



wise mind

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world.

Constantly color your picture gray,

and your picture will always be bleak.

Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor,

and your picture begins to lighten up.”

~Allen Klein


Kind regards and feeling thankful – K



HADDON MUSINGS 52 Weeks of Thankfulness

Suicide, A Memory Not shortlived

If you are feeling sad, overwhelmed, or that you might harm yourself. 

Call 911, Call a friend, get to the Emergency room and explain how you feel.

SUICIDE is NOT the answer.

I have written a short recollection, of the impact of suicide and how it has affected me and my family for my entry for Miracle’s challenge. It needed to be written. Please do not read if you feel it might upset you.

Kind Regards – K


It was a  seemingly random day, temperature about 90 degrees, the 28th day of August, 17 years ago,that I got the call.

As the news was reported to me and the other end hung up, I dropped to the floor as my knees gave way. There was no attempt to stay upright. The house phone must have fallen beside me, though I have no recollection. Shock. Disbelief. Just an all consuming overwhelming sadness of something I struggled to grasp, believe,  but no matter how I tried, I couldn’t quite fathom.

My next thought, the children… Where is K? Did she overhear? OH MY GOD, screamed my brain! I must find K!  How will I ever tell her?   Then I shall have to find D,  he is playing with his friends. OH! DEAR! GOD!  How can I? How does one? I shouted out my daughter’s name and went off looking for her…  and a bit later we drove off to find my son.


Now, 17 years later.

That fateful day. This thought still travels through my brain. Why? Why didn’t you call me and tell me you were struggling with life? That you had such a dark  shadow of a cloud hanging over you? Why did you just give into it, in silence?

We know not why he felt he had no choice. But, his suicide is still a dark cloud that hangs over our heads. It is rarely spoken about. When it is, we handle it matter of fact, due to it’s familiarity. Seemingly odd, that could be something  with which we’ve become comfortable.

It is what it is. We cannot change what happened. We have no choice but to accept what is. He made the decision and gave us no vote.

What can we do? Nothing, is the answer.


We live our daily lives as most everyone does. When the day is quiet, I often speak to him and ask him questions, to which I get no replies nor will I ever.

Sometimes I even get angry and yell at him for being so self centered and selfish. Other times, I speak as I talk to an old best friend. My heart believes he sees how well the children have done through the years.

He knows what wonderful loving adults they are.

I believe he does. For that is what I am left with. That is MY choice.

The only one my ex-husband left me.


In loving Memory of Rocklin DeWayne Webb 9.1.63 – 8.28.99




Daily post Miniature

Do You Remember, FUN?



I am reaching out for YOUR HELP!

What are your thoughts on this?

Where do you suggest I start?

Do you struggle with this too?

Please share anything and everything!


Here is the background:

WordPress’ weekly photo

Challenge is here!

The subject is fun!

What is fun?

Do you remember?

In one split second,

Can you clearly define

Your current thoughts 

Of having a good time?


Instantanious visualizations

Of past events of me laughing

Quickly flicker, fast forward

Like a mini slideshow thru my mind.

But truthfully, when was the last time

Such a carefree occurrence, did I find

Myself smack in the middle of

Without a whole lot of prep and

Trepidation, battling inner fear?


What a scary thought, I am thinking,

That, it’s no longer my norm,

At what point did my life go

From heartfelt enjoyment,

To some type of dark storm?

Another goal to aspire to,

Again, a chance at #winning!

Then i saw these… and it all  made sense.




Kind Regards and winning – K









Weekly photo challenge Fun!

Daily post Reach

Our Greatest Treasures

“There are amazingly wonderful people

in all walks of life; some familiar to us

and others not. Stretch yourself and

really get to know people.

People are in many ways one

of our greatest treasures. ”

― Bryant H. McGill


You and I


Close, like eighth grade

Best friends forever,

From elementary school,

Whispering giggled secrets.



green naturall framed orange shroom


Love, rare as

Lady slipper’s blossoms

Found in the back

New England woods.


clouds above the hill framed nicely


Time, passing like

Wind swept clouds.

Across deep blue skies

Disappearing from view

Is what we’re wasting.



heart thru the trees


Hearts, two came

together as one.

Are we only 

Actors on Broadway?

Playing our scenes

Through all three acts

And the time, has come

For one final curtain call?

Or will the script

We are creating together

Continue to Act IV?



Kind Regards and reaching out – K


PHOTOS on this page copyrighted and compliments of K and L.G.B.

Like what you see? Why not inspire me with a cup of Joe?

LINK to buy me a coffee…


Daily Post Connection

The Blog-Watching the Daisies Prompt-SMALL STEPS UP MOUNTAINS

This morning, I started out writing about posterity. I was stewing over whether or not we are losing connection to each other due to social media. In a lot of ways, sadly, I believe, YES, we are! Then I stumbled onto a fellow bloggers post.  

Now, I see a ray of hope…  


CLICK HERE-Watching the Daisies writing prompt!

 Come and join me!


Her Questions:

Who or what inspired you to start the ascent?

The return of my son from his tour overseas. I had taken a year off from work while he was there, which was the worst thing I could have done! Way too much time on my hands and not enough time connecting face to face with people. I utilized only social media to stay in touch. (insert shaking my head here, while staring down at my toes.) It can be a very cold place if that is the only friend that you allow in your world. Your soul, your very being needs face to face interaction! And giant bear hugs!!

How did you break the climb into manageable bites? 

I got help!  AND afterward did a 6 week long CBT (Cognitive–Behavioural Therapy), with twice per week classes. A large part of CBT class is based on mindfulness and “living in the NOW”. One thing it helped me re-enforce, was  what I had learned about – RTS- reasonable tiny steps. (I wrote about it in my post- Link to “DON’T CRACK ME UP?”)

Each tiny step forward is progress! It doesn’t matter how small, forward is forward, darn it!! I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, didn’t look up. It would have been too overwhelming to see the distance I had to go to reach the top. 

THE BEST PART! Once I knew I was near the top- it made me feel momentously exuberantly successful when I looked back from where I came and realized how far I had come! 

Who supported you along the way? 

My daughter and some close friends. 

What have you learned?

Never give up! 

Pay it forward- If you see someone who needs help. Start by just giving them a smile. If they are ready to ask for help, this will help them realize they have an ally. Then and only then can you make some suggestions on reading material, who to call, places to research etc. 

What are you thankful for?

Each day that I continue to my journey. Whether I move forward or just take a moment to rest and enjoy my surroundings. If I am not moving backwards than I am just where I need to be.

Is there any part of the journey you would have done differently?

NOPE. I have learned way too much about myself, God, the Universe and others.

But if I had to do something differently, I would not have taken that year off! 

She will publish some of your stories on her blog with a link to your blog, or simply use it as a writing prompt for others. 


I hope each of you will give this a go!


“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.”

~Reba McEntire




Kind Regards and connecting- K










Weekly post about something that is disappearing: For Posterity