A Milestone and a Positive Solution

Compliments of Zen to Zany- Prints for Sale on Etsy.com tell her K sent you!

If I had been able to look into my imaginary Crystal glass ball I might have seen this coming. Obviously, I don’t own one. Do you? 

Yesterday, we hit a GRAND Milestone. Who would have thunk after just 3 months of sharing and caring, we would not only hit but surpassed 3060 views, with over 1187 visitors and now have 157 followers! Oh and we broke our previous record of an average of 100 visits a day by having just over 172!  HOLY COW! and I’m not talking manure either!! 😉

OOPs I think I just spilled my coffee… Nope! No excitement here. 

Well maybe a little/ Heck YES!! WE ARE HAPPY DANCING!

 We did NOT accomplish this by sitting back and doing nothing  I have spent just over 12 hours a day the last phew (yes that is mis-spelled intentionally), weeks in my little home office (Yes, my butt is numb, but hopefully not my brain). Also there has been much appreciated help from some very inspiring mentors/Meet and Greet sites, new found friends and fellow bloggers. L.G.B and I were definitely not alone in reaching what we hope to be our first milestone of many.

I think an extremely important point is WE genuinely CARE!

Our original attitude remains- 

Our glass is half full and we get by with a little help from our friends… 


AZ beauty of the desert
AZ Desert 6/2007 Compliments of K



Another triumph over Depression:

In my opinion, there is too much violence and hate in this world and not enough bear hugs and caring. Ayup, I am an old softy! 

I have given up watching the evening news. It became way too depressing. I can’t play turtle, it’s still important that I stay connected. I do, but in a different way.

Here are two.

#1) L.G.B an avid news hound, gives me the daily hi-lights in both news and sports.

#2) I have “The Tonight Show” starring Jimmy Fallon on Hulu Plus! How can one get down and out when Jimmy is keeping you up to date about politics and world events? 


Those are just two more examples of identifying a trigger,”finding the solution”  and changing a negative experience into something  more positive.


What are the depression triggers that YOU have identified in your life?

What positive solution have YOU implemented?

Please SHARE your triumph with us!


Kind Regards and Sunshine abounds – K

 Of The Black Wall blog and now writing for Success Inspirer’s World



Daily Post Glass

5 thoughts on “A Milestone and a Positive Solution

  1. Be it the USA, Be it the UK, it all seems a bit of mess – understatement of the year. I have given up a bit on the news – listen on the radio just to be uptodate but I want to focus on being good, sending out good, being peaceful and doing good karma – cause whatever happens politically I have to reap what I sow – so I am sowing good seed ! I can only change myself.

    be the change you want to see in the world – gandhi this is my moto.

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