Depression’s path




The orange pinkish hue of the sun

Slowly descends, down the horizon wall

Falling beyond the edge of the earth

Where things disappear into unknown regions

After sunset our earth succumbs to darkness


And not until another cloudless morning

Does our life light reappear and grow

As the sun rises, the rays

Increasingly bright as they creep up

Earths distant grayish blue wall

Our souls blossom with freedom

As the darkenss relinquishes

It’s hold and once again

We are allowed to

continue upon our way.




#Miraclechallenge  Challenge #6

4 . Write a Story/ Poem using Prompt Theme – AFTER SUNSET



Kind Regards and #WINNING – K

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18 thoughts on “Depression’s path

  1. A positivity poem. Yes ! After every darkness, there will be light for sure ☺
    I enjoyed your path traveled through darkness then with a hope of light re – visiting.
    Thank you for giving us a meaningful poem this week too, using the prompt theme 😃
    Congrats for completing challenge no. 4 👏😃👏😃👏😃


    1. Really? I mean really?? smiling…

      I just flows out of me, often I haven’t a clue if it makes sense or not. lol

      What I do know is that most of the time, but not always I like it to come full circle to a positive ending… 🙂

      Thank you lady!! Your thoughts mean so much!!

      Kind Regards – K


  2. Reblogged this on miraclegirlblog and commented:
    Hello Everyone !

    Check out the latest post for ‘Weekly Writing Miracle Challenge’ Week – 6 :

    Blogger : The Black Wall Blog (K)

    Poem Title : After Sunset

    Challenge No : 4

    Challenge : Write a Story/ Poem using Prompt Theme – AFTER SUNSET

    For those who are new to #MiracleChallenge, every Tuesday morning, I post new Writing prompts for 5 challenges to write Short Story / Tiny Tale/ Poem / Haiku.

    Visit my blog to know the latest writing prompts and the rules to participate in #MiracleChallenge for the week dated from 19th to 25th July, 2016. Yes ! 25th July is the deadline.

    Kindly, everyone read and inspire each other to write.

    Happy Blogging !

    Enjoy and have fun:)




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