Out of My Comfort Zone I Go


#MiracleChallenge -I choose #2 

Write a Poetry using two words-

I stumbled onto some wonderful new blogs in Solidarity Inspirer’s -I want more followers, likes and comments club!  There is one in particular that has a weekly challenge. I am intrigued, excited and a bit nervous but I am going to give it a try. Why not. We should try and/or learn something new everyday so I definitely shouldn’t miss such a unique opportunity. BREATHE – Here goes nothing…. 😉 

Miracle Girl Blog Challenge Week – 2


How do they do it so polished and concise?

To Paint a picture with such precision,

Using a page or paper as the canvas.

Strokes of the paint brush shows their style,

Words are the colours from the palette,

Life is the model of which they paint.

I am a mere  apprentice

And can only hope, learn and aspire

To become such a great writer as they.




“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. “-Og Mandino

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”- Norman Vincent Peale

Have a fabulous Friday!!


Kind Regards and comfort zones be trampled – K 😉



Daily post – Awe

10 thoughts on “Out of My Comfort Zone I Go

  1. Captivating.. What a lovely use of words to capture the visuals from the point of view of an artist.. Beautiful desrciption.. Indeed, I too wonder how they just use a paper and paintbrush to paint an unbelievable visuals. They are just awesome like others.

    I enjoyed reading your poem.. Also the quotes.

    Congrats for achieving a challenge for week – 2 of #MiracleChallenge.
    Am so happy that you mentioned the name of the Challenge.. 😃


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